My goodness, how did you stumble on this webpage? Are you really fascinated about my
deepest entrails that you have navigated your way to this page? In case you're wondering
what Bimbus Duckie is, well, that's my self designated stage name. It's a
combination of my two favourite words: Bimbus, a slang word for "penis" in Czech,
where I was born; and Rubber Ducky. But I preferr to spell it Duckie, I guess because I'm
so cool? In fact, once I get around to painting my caravan
truck green, I plan to plaster in large font across it BimBUS, with
underneath that. For a joke, and also to remain inconspicuous when parking downtown. To
keep it looking commercial. Right now it is the horrid Mercedez blue it came in, but that
keeps it pretty incognito, as in just another beat up delivery truck bringing bread from
the bakery or something. So I find I can park in any city's centre and not get hassled by
the police etc. But I don't like the blue, and it's not so good for camoflague, as I like
to park in nature and all that. Plus it just looks obtrusive and gross when I park it in
nature, where I like to spend most of my time.
But why make this page? Well, primarily I want to link to my Memoirs
of Bimbus blog for the purpose of google indexing. All part of my mad approach with search engine
optimization. The memoirs are basically just personal emails to close ones that I
could not figure out where to publish, or didn't want to publish on my usual webpages,
cause many times the stories are grotesque and personal. And
why do I publish these grotesque and personal things? Well, first of all, why should I
feel shame and give a flying crap what people think about me? Second of all, I find that
polluting the internet with more text but in a certain way might benefit my webpages, and
eventually get me more work. If you read the memoirs, you will find that I link out to all
my important pages from certain keywords. Linking out from a third party blog, so I am
also experimenting the benefits of that. Third of all, it is on a third party blog site
and I don't think I have my name in there. Do you know that some translators look me up on
the internet and read about my personal life before choosing to work for me? I guess
they're smart, and I can see from my webstats that some do searches for my name,
especially when I try to farm out large projects, so I naturally deduced it must be my
translators. A bit scary, but usually they end up liking and trusting me, and we work
towards an amiable working relationship, which is my preference. So because my name is not
on this page nor on my bimbus blog, how else would someone stumble on it other than you,
who must be a very curious person indeed, or by some random search on the internet that
has nothing to do with me? Meaning that mostly only strangers (or very very curious
friends of mine) would actually stumble on these horrifically grotesque and private
Oh, did I mention stage name? Yes, it has always been my aspiration
to be a famous actor. Or at least just act occasionally, which I have in the past. But since I
cannot make the name Bimbus Duckie famous through my shoddy and shy acting, at least I can
give it some "resonance" (as Noam Chompsky worded things when I was emailing
with him about my Direct Democracy project) on the internet. Give the poor little bimbus a
shot of life into his cute rubbery little arm, so that he's not so sad. After all, we can
consider bimbus the light dimension of my spirit, who does not get bogged down by all the
toils and frustrations of running a translation
business. An innocent little guy who would only be sad if many evil things happened
against him. And who only needs the slightest amount of attention to be filled with the
most wonderful joy. Like the free and abounding love that streams from Jesus himself.
Anyway, back to the business of linking back to this horrid page of deep dark secrets. Below are links in general relating to me, the insane person behind Bimbus Rubr Duckie (thought I'd add a middle name this time, since we are getting so serious and official and all!).
General links about me: Reflections of
a Madman
Memoirs of Bimbus - another useless blog on Google, and the internet for that
More pictures of me all over the world. I guess I am a little famous, after all.
This is me visiting my goofy nephews in London after I had got a bit bloated eating too many times at McDonald's. Boy was I full! |
Here's a famous actor who just LOVES me to death. And then some more bimbus duckie photographs.