Account name: Karel Kosman
Account number: 75994871
State where bank account was set up:
Routing number: 0260-0959-3
The routing number for Bank of America Washington checks, automatic payments, direct deposits, and all other Automated Clearing House transactions is 125000024
CHECKS (or deposits by mail)
Checking account routing
number: 125000024
Bank account number: 75994871
Address of bank where account held:
Mail check to:
Bank of America-Bank
Deposits can be made by mail to the account, however, it is best to have a
pre-printed deposit slip included and have the check endorsed for better security in case
the check is lost in the mail. If the check is made payable to Bank of America, the
account number (75994871) should be given in a note or notation on the check so the
account will be properly credited when the deposit is received. Under the endorsement it
is best to write 'for deposit only'. The deposit can be sent by regular mail to Bank of
America-Bank by Mail,