[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Translated Files from Translation Dictionary of French Terms

I had been writing to about consistency issues in French translations. He sent me 2 messages in response, I am forwarding to you:


This list contains all the basic character stats I can think of right now and the corresponding translations that have been used so far. It is most likely incomplete so if you come across new terms or would like to discuss the existing translations, please do make sure to forward them to so that we can all share them and keep a decent level of consistency.







Level – Niveau

Stun Res – Res. Etourdir

Paralyze Res – Res. Paralysie

Sleep Res – Res. Sommeil

Weaken Res – Res. Affaiblir

Silence Res. Res. Silence


Yes I have noticed some of these too, it’s a good thing we can finally deal with it.

ForSunstreamCity, I think the best choice is simply “Sunstream”

InFrancewe don’t talk aboutNew York City, we talk aboutNew York, etc. It’s just that the translators blindly followed the English pattern here.

For Hall of Excellence, Crystal Hall etc. I have seen plenty of translations too.

To keep it simple I think it’s best to use “Hall” in French too (it is in the French dictionary).

2,000 should be written 2000 in French




My name is .

I sent the information to proofreader in the same day, and he informed me that he incorporated the new terms in his glossary.

I just don’t have time to get back with confirmations – you just have to trust me that I do forward everything.

I will try to spot as much of these as possible, as soon it will be late to change anything major, since many files would get sent.


No worries, also, did you forward the glossary files I uploaded for the proofreaders on Monday ? (French_Reduced and Glossary Updates)

I never got any confirmation from you and these are very important files, so please let me know if there’s any issue.

With many thanks




Minimal comments received!


I hope you are well and that everything is fine.

I just sent my file 8e to . Sorry it took so long, but I was busy outside of this project.

Comments on this fle are mum:

1. Please take the following out of the dictionary: “one”, “two”, etc. and “you”, which is more troublesome than anything else

2. I found that the translation of student by “etudiant” was not the most appropriate. I think we would more easily use eleve or disciple in this context

And that’s it! 🙂




Thank you for checking! We haven’t sent files with Kingyo yet, so I will pass this to lead translator.


I am translating a file (19f) at the moment in which the word “Kingyo” appears. I can see that is has been translated as “Kunigyo” – however, I found out that Kingyo is actually a proper name for a Japanese art of (making?) goldfish… the word “Kunigyo” does not exist on Google. I know you probably already sent files off with this, but in case you haven’t, I thought it could be worth mentioning.

All the



Thank you. I will let you know how was the file once it gets proofread again.


just sent 18 a repaired to . Hope it finds the approval of the proof reader. I also checked the proper names according to the updated dictionary. I hope that I don’t have similiar faults in the other files. If I do, please make me aware. I know now where the problem is and try to avoid it in the future.




Proofreader had just sent me comment on file 11m:

Proofreading Report ¢‚¬œ



Some of the segments are translated too literally and lack fluency.

Some words were left untranslated in segments marked as translated.

Some glossary terms were not followed, creating inconsistencies and mistranslations.

Important words (like character names) were sometimes omitted.


Some parts being literally translated, the syntax and the sentence structure are not always appropriate in French.

There were too many spelling errors. Had the translator spellchecked and read the file through, a lot of these errors could have been avoided.


Some speaker hyphens were missing, creating both punctuation and spelling errors.

Items and character titles consistently had unnecessary capital letters.

Accents were added on capital letters.

Capital letters were missing on place names.

The translation is okay. The biggest problem with this file was non-adherence to the guidelines, specifically not following the English text for capitalization.

The translator needs to conform to the guidelines during the translation stage and to perform a spellcheck and a read through once the translation is complete.

I hope the comments help.




I just noticed, that in some German filesSunstreamCityis translated as Stadt Sonnenstrom, whili in others as Sonnenstrom-Stadt.

What is the right one, and does it make a difference? I am worried because it is such a visible term.




Just wanted to make you aware that in file 16 f are some

inconsistencies in the source text. In some segments, the source says

“robe” and in the next line “gown”. However the repetitions are the

same except once it is female and once it is male. I gather that the

meaning is the same and I will translate it with the German “Talar” as

the dictionary suggests.




Unfortunately,SunstreamCitywas translated in various ways before the dictionary was completed. Someone had put Sonnentrom-Stadt in the dictionary, which led to further inconsistency until it was fixed in the dictionary. The official term is now Stadt Sonnenstrom.

However, even if it would not be consistent in all of the files, the damage is mal, in my opinion, since the terms have absolutely the same meaning. Still, if it is possible, it should be changed to Stadt Sonnentrom, with the grammatical adjustments to the preceding words.


I just noticed, that in some German filesSunstreamCityis translated as Stadt Sonnenstrom, whili in others as Sonnenstrom-Stadt.

What is the right one, and does it make a difference? I am worried because it is such a visible term.




Hi :

I think that the send mail does not work?

Anyway, i try again. Thanks for the proofreader feedback. Very useful. I feel I am getting there.

I had 2 questions for you:

1- Do you think I could read “approved-perfect” files to get a better sense for the style and vocabulary?

2- I have a few questions about the use of capitalized letters: I would capitalize only names, but the dictionary and the segments already translated confuse the situation:

LotusShore: baie du lotus?

FlowerValley: vallee fleur?

Montagnes Kunluns or montagnes Kunluns?

Feu de lotus rouge or feu de… ?

les renards celestes incendiaires? No caps

les poings geles? No caps?

un Esper or un esper?

The elder XXX : XXX l’ancien?

Thanks, Fabienne





I’m very glad you find these feedbacks useful, I will keep sending.

1. Yes, definitely. I will upload few files for your reference today. You can find them on the usual server where you download your files – folder FTP – sub-folder “Comments and Files”. I will name the file “For Fabienne”.

2. In the dictionary and in the pretranslated segments there are things which were made before the final decision on capitalization was taken. When you import terms to your untranslated segments, make sure that you change the capitalization according to the latest guidelines. What is in the pretranslated segments – will be done by proofreader.


Hi :

I think that the send mail does not work?

Anyway, i try again. Thanks for the proofreader feedback. Very useful. I feel I am getting there.

I had 2 questions for you:

1- Do you think I could read “approved-perfect” files to get a better sense for the style and vocabulary?

2- I have a few questions about the use of capitalized letters: I would capitalize only names, but the dictionary and the segments already translated confuse the situation:

LotusShore: baie du lotus?




Thank you for the fast response.

If you believe damage is mal, I will forward the files to .

But may-be let’s try to keep these very visible things as consistent as possible. All files I have had been proofread, and since I know no German at all, it is up to proofreaders to agree on this kind of terms.

Should I inform aboutSunstreamCity?


Unfortunately,SunstreamCitywas translated in various ways before the dictionary was completed. Someone had put Sonnentrom-Stadt in the dictionary, which led to further inconsistency until it was fixed in the dictionary. The official term is now Stadt Sonnenstrom.

However, even if it would not be consistent in all of the files, the damage is mal, in my opinion, since the terms have absolutely the same meaning. Still, if it is possible, it should be changed to Stadt Sonnentrom, with the grammatical adjustments to the preceding words.


I just noticed, that in some German filesSunstreamCityis translated as Stadt Sonnenstrom, whili in others as Sonnenstrom-Stadt.

What is the right one, and does it make a difference? I am worried because it is such a visible term.




Thanks for the quick answer .

I look forward to seeing the reference files.

Just to clarify, I am not touching the parts already translated but I look at them to see what words/spellings are used.





I have a question, less important may-be, but I see already a second file, so I guess it’s better to ask now than later.

How did you agree on quotation marks (“…”)? Is it used for this project in French? If yes, should there be spaces between the word and the quotation marks? Like this: ” word “, or like this: “word”.

Because I read that usually French uses ‚« ‚» marks with space between them and the word (‚« word ‚») .

Please let me know.




I have a few files with need to be spellchecked and a few minor issues found in the while vetting – resolved (0-3 issues per file). Do you think you could do that for me?




I read the comments on this file. I have a question:

Is that a general comment on the whole file or only the segments I translated?

1. I also noticed quite a lot of grammar/spelling/translation mistakes in the extracted segments.

2. Half of the file was extracted segments.

As per the hyphens, capital letters, capital accentuated I followed the rules since the last comments of the proofreader.

As per the comment about the dictionnary: I’m sorry but some translations are not appropriate for a particular word. Depend on the context.

But most of the time I use what it’s in the dictionnary, as I ALWAYS do at first “Insert all terms from dictionnary”




I have a few files with need to be spellchecked and a few minor issues found in the while vetting – resolved (0-3 issues per file). Do you think you could do that for me?




The comment refers to the whole file, as the proofreader has no way of distinguishing what is yours and what was pretranslated.

For this reason, try to recognize what part of the comment refers to your work, and what to pretranslation, and try to apply this advice accordingly.

As per the comment about the dictionnary: I’m sorry but some translations are not appropriate for a particular word. Depend on the context.

But most of the time I use what it’s in the dictionnary, as I ALWAYS do at first “Insert all terms from dictionnary”


Well, as you know, some word which has certain meanings in English may not have all meanings same in French. If you see that the glossary word, if it’s not a term (proper name etc), is not the right meaning for your context, then use the one you feel is more appropriate.


I read the comments on this file. I have a question:

Is that a general comment on the whole file or only the segments I translated?

1. I also noticed quite a lot of grammar/spelling/translation mistakes in the extracted segments.

2. Half of the file was extracted segments.

As per the hyphens, capital letters, capital accentuated I followed the rules since the last comments of the proofreader.

As per the comment about the dictionnary: I’m sorry but some translations are not appropriate for a particular word. Depend on the context.

But most of the time I use what it’s in the dictionnary, as I ALWAYS do at first “Insert all terms from dictionnary”




Thanks for your quick reply. I had a doubt as in Notepad I can see who did the translation.

I will follow your advice.




I apologize – one more question.

In one file there are inches. Translator converted them to centimeters. Is it something that was agreed about? What about other non-metric values?

Thank you.




I just sent the files to but wanted to inform you that there was a lot of Chinese in file 16 f. I left it untouched.

Also, now being more aware of the tags, I found some mistakes in the repetitions which are usually marked as translated. I went through all the repetions in all 3 files and repaired what I found. But that shows that also other translators are not all using the show tags in a correct way.




I would like to help, but I have some other work to do today and tomorrow, and has already asked me to do some proofreading once I have finished translating her file.

I will be available at the weekend if you want.






One note about one of the files I’ve been working on:

JD_100201_Localize_17m+n: Some of the gear descriptions indicated by the fuzzy index (in files JD_100201_Localize_17m+n) do not correspond with the terms proposed by the main dictionary of the project.

I used the terms of the main dictionary of the project, as you wrote us to do in one of your previous instruction mails.




You did absolutely the right thing – in pretranslations and fuzzies there are lot of vocabulary entrances which had been changed and corrected since that translation was made. Please use the new glossary how you do.


One note about one of the files I’ve been working on:

JD_100201_Localize_17m+n: Some of the gear descriptions indicated by the fuzzy index (in files JD_100201_Localize_17m+n) do not correspond with the terms proposed by the main dictionary of the project.

I used the terms of the main dictionary of the project, as you wrote us to do in one of your previous instruction mails.




We do not touch the Chinese, it should remain as it is.

You do not need to correct pretranslated segments. There may be left as they are.

Yes, you were not the only translator who forgot about tags. But it does not mean that it is okay!

Keep working with short tags, and following the comments of proofreader and everything will be just fine.


I just sent the files to but wanted to inform you that there was a lot of Chinese in file 16 f. I left it untouched.

Also, now being more aware of the tags, I found some mistakes in the repetitions which are usually marked as translated. I went through all the repetions in all 3 files and repaired what I found. But that shows that also other translators are not all using the show tags in a correct way.




Yes in Notepad you can see. But proofreaders work in Transit, there thy don’t see it.


Thanks for your quick reply. I had a doubt as in Notepad I can see who did the translation.

I will follow your advice.





I uploaded a compressed file for you to server, it contains 2 finalized files in Excel format.

Enjoy it!


Thanks for the quick answer .

I look forward to seeing the reference files.

Just to clarify, I am not touching the parts already translated but I look at them to see what words/spellings are used.





I have a few French files for spellchecking and minor issue resolving.

Do you think you could do them for me?




Sorry about the delay and sorry about the name confusion, I’m not getting a lot of sleep these days.

Okay, to answer all of your questions:

– the quotation marks we traditionally use inFrancelook like this:


However, people also use “…” they’re pretty common as well.

ly, if you want my opinion, we have like 100 problems with the current project, the quotation marks thing is really the last one we should worry about. Plus I suspect Transit interprets the French quotation marks as special characters (code lines or whatever).

InFrancewe use metric values so miles, inches, yards, etc. don’t mean anything for us. I have seen the conversions too and I don’t really know what to think.

Basically we are forced to use “meters” instead of “yards”, etc.

Anyway, as usual we can prevent any trouble by keeping consistency: either we convert all the amounts like 1,09 yards become 1 meter or we just convert all the metric units like 1 yard becomes 1 meter. The important thing is to avoid doing both. As long as we stick with either one or the other we should be fine with the quest instructions.

Please let me know if you need anything, I will be working offline a lot over the next few days to get some proofreading done but I always check my emails at least once at the end of the day so feel free to send me any questions you may have and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

With many thanks


I apologize – one more question.

In one file there are inches. Translator converted them to centimeters. Is it something that was agreed about? What about other non-metric values?

Thank you.




sent an email saying that those interested to do some spellchecking should contact you.

So, if you want to use my services, I am ready to do spellchecking for an hourly rate of 10$.

Thank you!





I just received an e-mail from in whicht he told us that now the proofreding stage begins. He said that I might contact you if I am interested in helpin. And I can tell you that I am really interested. I have a lot of exoerience with proofreading. My hourly charge is 15¢¬.

Only one thing: I hope it is not too bad when I sand my last translated file on Monday at the latest, sorry, but I can probably not do it earlier.




According to you need people to help spellchecking the Excel files. I have to finish my translation first but starting from Sunday I could help.

My suggested hourly rate is 25 USD.

I look forward to hearing from you.




I really appreciate your openness and sense of team work so far.

Today, suggested that I should approach you for us to see the type of help you may need at the stage of proofreading, and which strategy we should put in place if you feel we can contribute in meeting the tight deadlines without compromising quality, and have the best satisfaction from the client.

I would like to tell you that I am available for any assignment you may deem it necessary to give me, and will leave no stone unturned in making sure it is completed on time.

Have a nice day

See you soon.




asked me to contact you about a spellchecking work, it could interest me. Can I help you? If yes, I’m waiting for your instructions.




Thank you for your warm words and willingness to contribute, I appreciate it very much.

If you want to proofread – you need contact directly and propose your hourly rate.

I have other type work to propose, and this is spellchecking. All files, after they get vetted, need to be spellchecked. Additionally, some small issues which arise in the vetting stage need to be resolved. If you are interested in this – please propose me your hourly rate (competitive rate :)) for spellchecking. I have rising quantity of files every day.


I really appreciate your openness and sense of team work so far.

Today, suggested that I should approach you for us to see the type of help you may need at the stage of proofreading, and which strategy we should put in place if you feel we can contribute in meeting the tight deadlines without compromising quality, and have the best satisfaction from the client.

I would like to tell you that I am available for any assignment you may deem it necessary to give me, and will leave no stone unturned in making sure it is completed on time.

Have a nice day

See you soon.




There are more files every day. What is the most competitive rate you can propose me for spellchecking? Work includes spellchecking in Excel/in Word + solving minor issues which arose during the vetting stage.

Please let me know!


asked me to contact you about a spellchecking work, it could interest me. Can I help you? If yes, I’m waiting for your instructions.




Thank you, there are files, i am preparing them. Can you please let me know how much time did you spend overall on the first files? (Including the return for changing the terms.)


sent an email saying that those interested to do some spellchecking should contact you.

So, if you want to use my services, I am ready to do spellchecking for an hourly rate of 10$.

Thank you!





As discussed with I ask for $20 per hour, I asked for $25 but he told me his limit was $20, so I agreed on that.

Tell me, how are the hours calculated? Is it based on an amount of lines/words per hour?


There are more files every day. What is the most competitive rate you can propose me for spellchecking? Work includes spellchecking in Excel/in Word + solving minor issues which arose during the vetting stage.

Please let me know!


asked me to contact you about a spellchecking work, it could interest me. Can I help you? If yes, I’m waiting for your instructions.




Thanks a lot .

Between this and the proofreader comments, I am seeing seeing things totally differently.

I also figured out a better way to use Transit (besides going more slowly!) so that I can go back to previous sentences to correct them during the translation if I realize I didn’t do something correctly and all at once a last time before marking marking them done. Learning curve!

Lastly, suggested that I looked again at the files I have done earlier for quality. Is there a way to do that before the proofreader corrects them?

Thanks, Fabienne

PS: Looks like the project is moving well and that you are quite busy! Your help is very mucuh appreciated. I hope to raise the translation quality level quickly so that I can take on additional tasks, if there is an oportunity.





If you mean correcting the files you already Sent to , you can ask him which of your files had not been sent to proofreader yet, and to ask to wait with proofreading. Then you correct the files, Send again to Kaerl, explaining that this is your old stuff repaired. But first you need to ask not to proceed with these files.

Hope it helps.


Thanks a lot .

Between this and the proofreader comments, I am seeing seeing things totally differently.

I also figured out a better way to use Transit (besides going more slowly!) so that I can go back to previous sentences to correct them during the translation if I realize I didn’t do something correctly and all at once a last time before marking marking them done. Learning curve!

Lastly, suggested that I looked again at the files I have done earlier for quality. Is there a way to do that before the proofreader corrects them?

Thanks, Fabienne

PS: Looks like the project is moving well and that you are quite busy! Your help is very mucuh appreciated. I hope to raise the translation quality level quickly so that I can take on additional tasks, if there is an oportunity.




tI received comments form proofreader on your file 11h.

I had uploaded them to the usual file server (where you download your assigned files) to folder FTP – sub-folder Comments and files. Your file is Proof 11h.




I had received a comment form the proofreader on your file.

He is not satisfied, and I suggest that you try to follow his remarks and may-be read again the updates instructions on French: http://001yourtranslationservice.com/translations/projects/2010/10001/video-game_French-localization-guidelines.html



Proofreading Report ¢‚¬œ



There are many mistranslations that altered the meaning of the text in French.

The translation is very literal and lacks fluency. The result in French is either puzzling or makes no sense at all.

English measurements were kept in the French file.

Sentence structure often kept as the original English text, causing a lack of fluency.

English words left in the translation.

Glossary terms not followed, creating inconsistencies.


Many verb agreements were wrong.

Many verbs were misconjugated.

Plural agreements were not always applied.

The addressing guidelines regarding infinitive/imperative were not followed.

Many words were misspelled.


Many sentences started with a lower case.

Capital letters consistently left on item names or character¢‚¬„¢s titles.

The translation is too literal and lacks fluency, some parts make no sense at all.

The translator struggled with verb conjugations, agreements and spelling.

The overall outcome is pretty bad.





suggested that I ask you, but I’ll get back to him if he handles the files. Makes sense.

Thanks, Fabienne

Did you get a report of the quality problems of your previous files? Please

improve these files according to those reports. should have them, or perhaps

I could dig something up.


– Show quoted text –




I wish to thank you for giving me this opportunity to have access to this feedback.

I must acknowledge that it was my second assignment or so, when I was still struggling to understand both the software and the context. Not leaving aside terminology. My very first file was even worse, but with your advice and ‘s briefings I think I’m more conversant with the software now.

I guess we improved gradually on quality as we became quite familiar with this working environment.

I would like to have more of such feedback as concerns my recent files to see how far we’ve been able to go beyond just satisfactory.



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