1. It’s okay to translate position info. Just don’t mess with the actual coordinates and codes.
2. Delete the pink stuff. The pink markings tell you that there are some tags that doesn’t get carried over. However, in many cases you actually don’t want the tags to carry over. In a few cases you’ll want to manually add the tags back. Refer to the English original for how the game tags/codes are positioned and use it as reference instead. Remember that the software is stupid and you’re the smart one. Treat the software suggestions as what they are: suggestions.
3. Yes, use the informal Du.
I´ve finished spotchecking. Please find my report attached here. It took me 130 minutes checking all 12 files.
So, it took a while, but I got Transit running under W7, imported the dictionary, inserted all terms and am ready to. However I get no fuzzy matches, and I wonder how to set the min, quality for fuzzy matches to 50% as Karel proposes on on the web site under “Setting up the program”.
I knew I did this on my XP machine, but that was month ago, and I simply forgot. Did I already mention that I’m not a big Transit fan? (((-;
” Never mind,
. Found it. Off we go! “To change the fuzzy match minimum quality, go to
Options -> Profile -> Settings -> Fuzzy Index.
The default is 70%, but you can change it to any number.
It’s probably normal if you don’t have fuzzy matches at first. Transit “remembers”, but if you just started the memory will have nothing or very little.
Here is your new assignment:
05_part_270 4,500
Please let us know, when you think file will be done.
Another question: I tried to create a macro for the hyphens. So I put °°° on CTRL-F12. But then I get an “error running macro” message when pressing CTRL-F12 afterwards.
Any ideas?” Try using a letter instead of the F12 key?
Didn’t work. Tried running Transit as an administrator as well. Strange, but what can you do? Will type °°° manually instead. I’m just glad I can finally get cracking. (-; I’m reading the user manual now, as it doesn’t work for me either. Will try to find a solution to this.
I confirm translating file 05_270_DEU and estimate that it´ll be done by tomorrow evening.
Thank you for making it more simple. Unfortunately when I run the Transit.XV.exe I receive the following error messages:
Unable to locate Scripting Xtra “DM’Fade needed by function “DMFadeReg” called from this file.The file may not run correctly.
and: Uanble to locate Scripting Xtra “BudAPI” needed by function “baRegister” called from this file. The file may not run correctly.
and: Unable to display icon “Main Background.gif’ because the following error has occured: Xtra not found. Other objects may also fail to appear.Records of this session will not be saved.
and: Unable to locate Scripting Xtra “BudAPI” needed by function “baReadIni”called from this file. The file may not run correctly.
Ameisenklinge … is that ok? I found no reference to this charachter…
Sorry it did not worked out.
Please answer the following question and see our point below:
-What operating system do you have and where did she save the zip file? Perhaps
don’t save it in Documents and Settings because it might be a protected folder
under Windows, but rather into something like C:\Temp, for example.
– Have you got administrative rights to install programs on you computer?
-Did you install file from DS or from the webpage?
Most important is NOT to double left mouse button click on the zip file but to
RIGHT click and expand the contents into a NEW folder, OUTSIDE of the zip
HI everyone!
ok, they are ants… I found out (later in the text)!
Regarding such translation questions you can directly write to our Lead Translator through CS (communication system):
If you have no login and password yet please let us know.
but my login works everywhere… except for the CS… I see a big picture with a tree and a sky… I press ENTER (my login details are filled in) (mouse click) but nothing happens…
We did not get to update CS for new translators yet.
But if you will have still some question, please write here
and we will forward you letter to .
Thank you for understanding!
Please, provide me full hours report on the files you proofread for JD Rescue.
I have uploaded a word document with all the documents I proofread and time I spent on them.
By the way, have you heard from the client yet? Any chance to get some good news in the near future?
Sorry I couldn’t come back to both of you earlier. I am quite busy at the moment but I would still like to help you with the BOI project (I won`t be available full time, though). I will familiarize myself with the instructions and hopefully be able to come back to you beginning of next week.
Best regards and thanks for contacting me
Look forward to hear soon from you.
here are my answers:
> – what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?
Check the glossary for similar terms.
If possible, translate and mark as Translated, and put a + at the end
fo the segment.
If no idea leave it as is, put a + at the end, and write a separate
note about it.
> – how do we deal with hyphens when translating?
Always use °°° instead of hyphens. A macro can be used in
> – how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?
Import glossary. Open Project and attach with Project – Settings –
Termstar Dictionaries. Must be the only dict attached to the project.
Then open first language pair and choose Edit – Insert all Terms from
> – how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut
> key to transfer the text from the fuzzy window? (ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)
Mark as translated: ALT INS
Transfer from fuzzy window: ALT ENTER
> – what is the rule for quotation marks?
Do not use double quotes. If they are found in an English segment they
may be used for that segment.
> – how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?
Do not mark Chinese segments as translated. For mixed English and Chinese
segments translate the English part. Skip Chinese segments starting
with N/A.
About next project – we don’t know yet, but soon we get the info we will get back to you.
For :
Caroll[299]findet es schwierig, der Kälte einer Wüsten°°°nacht zu widerstehen, selbst wenn sie in einem Zelt schläft. (desert night)
muss der Bindestrich sein? Es ist ja nichts Spielrelevantes, also kein Character oder Gegenstand…
Thank you for info.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
We are trying to improve communication system now, and
some new translators did not get joined to CS.
That’s why we are helping they questions to get to you.
Caroll[299]findet es schwierig, der Kälte einer Wüsten°°°nacht zu widerstehen, selbst wenn sie in einem Zelt schläft. (desert night)
muss der Bindestrich sein? Es ist ja nichts Spielrelevantes, also kein Character oder Gegenstand…
Nice to hear from you!
Your first assignment is file 05_part_271 (4,390 words)
Link to download: http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/German/05_271_DEU.PXF
Please, confirm the assignment and let me know how many words a day you can handle.
Also let me know when you think you can have this file done.