, can you take care of a small job for us?
The following is an email from
But as I asked earlier today, first I’d at least like someone to
spotcheck them, to double check consistency. But NOT a full proofread. Each file
should take no more than 5 minutes. We need to get a grip on the dilly daddlers
or use someone who is capable of only spotchecking. After that get them vetted
because I’d like to invoice for ALL the words for this first batch.
There are some files which were 100% pre-translated. Karel would like to spot-check them really quick. And he means really quick. When you proofread the pretranslated parts some days ago, your time needed was pretty fast.
Do you think you can spend like an hour to spot-check about 10 files right away?
” I have uploaded file 5b, same comments as per file 5a, except that there are only 2 Proper names that went over 31 characters, so almost nothing to check. (but I left the character limit macro + highlights + track changes). ”
1. Alexandre will not have time to review files
2. No need to track changes
3. Please abbreviate the 31 terms to 31 char. limitation, though it is not identical to the expanded item name, it is still consistent and should be recognizable. Please udate the file and upload it again.
4. We are on same limited resources as before – therefore please try to complete all section 5. I am holding fingers and hoping there won’t be so many “falses” in next files.
Please keep me updated.
I have uploaded 6a and a report that recaps all the abbreviations I have used + the time I spent on the file. 5h55.
I’m starting on 6b and will keep you updated with my progress.
ok, will do that and resend files.
I uploaded JD – French – 7e –
– Proofread.xls.
10 files and 5min for each? What wordcount do the files have?
Is this Transit or excel file format?
This can´t be more like rushing over it without editing anything.
We have a new glossary and what if I spot inconsistencies or missing conjugations?
I’m back.
Please abbreviate all files to fit in the 31 char limitation.
– the formula wasn’t applied to the very end of the file, because it can be easily extended, which I see you could do with Karel’s help.
– please keep me updated! I cross fingers and hope other files are better.
I have reupladed files 5a and b: French_JD_100201_Localize_5b_Catherine_Final.xls
5000 words. Transit, although if you want it in Excel it will take about 30 minutes to set them up.
And you are right, you are rushing through it without editing anything. The general idea isn’t to actually edit anything, but rather to find out the overall quality of the 100% pre-translated files.
We don’t even ask you to read the whole thing through. Skim through it and stop at random spots for a casual look-see. If you find an error or even just something unusual, don’t fix it. Write it down elsewhere. Then write down a report.
Karel will use the report to decide whether the 100% pretranslated files need actual proofreading.
Ok, no editing – just look and report.
Of course I prefer Transit files because there´s the dictionary within.
Then please give me the files and I´ll have a look at it.
Okay. Just look and report, no editing.
You should already have the 15 June dictionary, so I’m not including them.
Oh, this is going to overwrite the previous projects unless you manually change the directories. You may want to make back-ups. Can’t be helped, that’s how Transit works.
there is updated merged file, containing everything except sections 5 and 6. I can upload it to FTP folder on Translator’s Server.
10 minutes.
Excuse me, forgot to add:
Since we are updating now sections 1-6 fby terms form the glossary, you could work on the rest of the file S&Ring.
If you think that it is important to have it all – please help with remaining files on sections 5 and 6.
What do you prefer?
Ok, I’ll track down consistency issues for the macro then.
Sorry, I typed the message before yours came up on the screen.
I can work on section 5/6 if you want, it’s probably best if we don’t miss any files this time around.
Where can I see the remaining files?
Sorry, I typed the message before yours came up on the screen.
I can work on section 5/6 if you want, it’s probably best if we don’t miss any files this time around.
Where can I see the remaining files?
I also think it’s better we finish everything and then begin working with macro.
Please find attached the “merging” sheet. Orange files are yet to be done. blue files are already done, vetted and merged to main file. At this point seems like section 6 goes slowest.
Please take 6d, I will question Carine and Catherine on progress, and will assign you one more file from one of these sections.
Do you know how to use the macro?
Do you have the merged file?
To make sure we are on the same page, here are instructions I had been giving to translators:
1. Rename your glossary to ULTIMATE_GLOSSARY.xls
2. Download the merged reference file from here:
It already has the formula pasted, but only until section 5, I think. You would have to drag it down to get to your cells. This file is only for reference, changes need to be made in the usual files.
3. Open it, and when Excel asks you if to update values, click “update”. The glossary with the new name needs to be open. It may take several minutes for you computer to calculate the macro in such a long file. Just wait patiently.
4. If it works, you will see “correct” in the rows 1, 15, 19 etc, while where are the Chinese characters you will see N/A.
5. When you open the merged file, it may first show all formula responses as N/A. then, after long thinking it may open a message saying some links may need to be edited (Edit Links conversation box). There select “Change source” and find where is your newly renamed glossary file. Click it, and it will think few more minutes. Then the “correct” responses should appear.
6. Jean
by mistake was editing this file instead of editing the usual files. He repaired everything until line 28161. This means, that if your term is before line 28161, and the merged file says “correct”, it doesn’t mean it is correct in your file you are working on. you need to compare and see that the term in your file is same to the one in the merged file. Don’t forget, that merged file is edited to be used with macro, therefore the cells should be kept as they are in the usual file, with all brackets, gender signs etc.
7. If your file is after cell 28161, you can follow the formula response. If the terms is same like in glossary – it will show “correct”, if it differs – it will show “false”. If the term is not in the glossary – it will show N/A. You need to check that terms which are not in the glossary are translated well.
8. 31 characters limitation – please check that everything is as short as it should be with the 31 char macro. (attached. small blue cell in the 31 char macro file is another macro that reads number of characters in a cell as you change it. Paste in column C on the side of the cell that was colored yellow.)
9. Please watch for typos as you check the file, but don’t run separate spellchecking.
That’s it. Actually, Karel did not agree with me yet that you will work on the files, so please don’t begin until I get a green light.
Done with my portion of the reps file. Just uploaded it along with some few comments.
Concerning the questions above:
2. I DID mark them as translated now, as it was easier than not (jumping to the next segment with ALT+Ins, and also keeping track of what segments are already “done”). I hope this is not a problem?
3. Ok, often there was no closing bracket, so I made the German sentences so the {h word would stay the last word. Sometimes, this sounds a bit awkward, but it is not a big problem.
Is there feedback from yet about my last proofreading comments? I’m still waiting for that to finish that assignment.
Now I will look at the translator samples Karel asked me to assess. Tomorrow I will not be available, but on Sunday I can take another file.